One Week to Go!

Thursday, June 6th is Day 1 of our 2024 Summer Swim Season!!

Sign up for meet volunteer positions, team events, and other donations – All of the season sign-ups are already available on our website, so you can plan ahead for the entire season. Here are a few specific links for events that are within the first 5 days of practice!!

Officials Training – At each meet, several volunteers serve as stroke and turn judges. A free training has been scheduled, pick which day works for you. This is a great way for parents to help the team!!

  • Wednesday, June 12th 7:30PM at Welch
  • Monday, June 17th 7:30PM at Park Forest
  • We appreciate your time! Thank you!!

Signing up for Swim Meet Events

  • Meet Sign-Ups for our first dual meet HOME vs. Penns Valley, Tuesday, June 11th, will be available at the first day of practice and run until Monday, June 10th at morning practice!
    • Please sign up by marking an X under the events you would like to swim next to YOUR name
    • Please do not sign up friends who you think might be there
    • Other notes about arriving late or leaving early should be sent to Coach Marion by email ([email protected]) or by replying to the Remind message, which only goes to Marion!
    • Remember, coaches make the final event assignments, but they try to honor preferences when possible

Shark Tank – Black vs. Gold Meet Saturday, June 8th Meet Details

  • No sign ups are required – Just Show Up!
  • Arrive 7:40AM. Team Warm Up at 7:50AM (on land!). Meet starts 8:00AM.
  • We move quickly through all the age groups swimming 25s of all the strokes
  • It’s a great way to practice being in the seeding area on time for each race!
  • Team Swim Caps will be handed out for you to show your team pride at meets!
  • Team Apparel will be on sale! We have recycled (gently used) suits for $10!
  • Bring $1 for a plate of pancakes and a juice box to keep you energized for the morning!
  • We will also be introducing our Family Groups! A new adventure that will help our families and swimmers to connect. Details will be shared at the pool!

Other important notes

  • Team Suit Try-Ons will be available Thursday and Friday at practice and Saturday at the Shark Tank meet (7:30-8:00AM)! Suits from the try-on kit will go on sale at the Penns Valley Meet!
  • Hair Ties and Caps: If your swimmers have hair that covers their eyes, please pull it back in a secure hair tie or wear a swim cap. It makes a big difference when they practice! We have practice caps available at practice for $3.
  • Dream Big Item: Do you have a fridge/freezer not being used? Would you consider donating it to the team? We store breakfast, concession items, and freeze pops in our back room and makes meet days a lot easier!! Contact Coach Marion if interested in helping out! Thank you!!

Finish up your school year with a big smile! See you Thursday, June 6th for our first practice!!

Let’s Go Sharks!